miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2019

February blooms and pruning roses in summer

Summer in my area is brutal: months of triple-digit heat, suffocating humidity and blazing sun... It's no wonder that my roses wither in the long slog from december to march, for roses in hot areas summer is their winter. My roses respond well to a good summer clean-up, I reduce their height by at least a third, and clear out any dead, diseased and spindly growth, fertilise and water well, then I wait for their autumn flush of beautiful blooms!

Last roses before pruning 

later.. lots of rose drebriss

Water lilies keep blooming, they love heat

Lotus are blooming too


This is unusual..

Amaryllis Belladonna decided to bloom this year... they are a mystery 

Crinium in bloom 


See you next time!