This flower was so high up! I needed a chair to take the pictures
Mrs Perry Slocum day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Another Mrs. Perry Slocum plant
And yet another one (made lots of new plants in winter when I divided rhizomes)
Bees love the Lotus flowers! (and I love bees!)
The following pictures are a big achievement for me: I've been trying to take pictures of this big bumblebee for months and the lotus finally gave me the chance I needed!
The bees also love Roses
Bee on Ligustrum sinense
Roses without bees
Hibiscus syriacus is blooming
Hibiscus sinensis (I think I never posted pictures of these varieties before)
The water lilies continue blooming.. I often say I hate summer and my climate in general because I can't grow peonies, tulips and other temperate climate plants but when I see the all the water lilies I can have here I feel a bit better! (I'm still waiting for the real Queens of the pond.. shy blommers but spectacular! you'll see them)
Mirabilis Jalapa is beautiful but can take over easily if left unchecked!
See you next time and wish you a happy new year!