"A profusion of pink roses bending ragged in the rain speaks to me of all gentleness and its enduring".
William Cullen Bryant
That is certainly a beautiful quote but the truth is Roses don't like to be in the rain for a long time...I know this from bitter experience. This winter was extremly rainy and warm, then spring began with yet more rain and warmer days: the recipe for Rose disaster... rose rust, blackspot, powdery mildew and the most feared disease: Rose dieback.... I had to cut some roses to the ground because their stems turned black from the tip and the blackness almost reached the trunk.. I hope they survive but usually they don't. Growing roses in this climate is like t
ilting at windmills... a mug's game I can't win I have been trying to stablish a rose garden for more than 20 years and I still face the same failure every year..most of the time my roses look like a bunch of thorny branches with a few diseased leaves holding on for dear life, It's not that I am doing something bad or I ignore some trick because all roses in all gardens in this area look very bad (it's the climate stupid!) I should give up on them but I love roses too much! ¿why is it so hard to accept the limitations of the climate? I confess I live in severe zone denial. English and German books were my introduction to Gardening and defined my taste; I looked to English and Germans gardens as models of what my small suburban garden in central East Argentina should look like. I was defeated before I even began! please excuse my rant but I have this frustration gnawing at my gardener heart right now and needed to vent and clear it out ! Now some pictures of the survivors...
Honoré de Balzac, gorgeous with lovely perfume
Unidentified yellow Rose
Ena Harkness, very pretty but has a weak neck and blooms often hang down
Charles Aznavour
I was told that this hot pink might be Electron,, she is one of the toughest roses in my garden and withstand humid conditions and diseases better than others.
Unidentified rose
Unidentified rose (it turns orange after some days)

¿Electron? Since she is so resistant I have many of them, her cuttings root very easily.
Unidentified rose
Unidentified rose
Unidentified once-blooming climbing rose
Undentified rose (I was told she might be Landora)
Parure d'Or.. one of my all time favourites: lovely color, great fragrance and overall good resistance to almost all diseases.
Unidentified rose
Unidentified yellow climber rose
¿Electron? Again
Parure d'Or again
Unidentified rose
Unidentified rose.. a sentimental favourit of mine, the oldest rose in my garden, She's been with me for 22 years, very tough and never gets sick. My grandfather planted it, I love it so much.
Tourmaline, very pretty
Unidentified climbing rose, I call her granny's rose since she came from her house
Unidentified rose, another tough lady: she never gets sick.
Parure d'Or and unidentified rose
Unidentified yellow rose
yes it's ¿Electron? again..
Unidentified rose..
Unidentified rose..I was told she might be "Kabuki" her tips turn orange after some days.
Tourmaline again
Eminence fully open
Climber Peace, I love her so much!
Snow Queen .. a well choosen name! she literally melts in the sun, the flower gets scorched very quickly.
My grandpa's rose again
Unidentified yellow rose
Bonica 82 a though Lady, she never gets sick
Parure D'or ... her flowers often look somewhat untidy
Undentified red rose, shy bloomer.
See you next time!