jueves, 26 de julio de 2018


 One of my biggest passions is the camellia plant, I've been fascinated by this perfect flower since my early childhood. I love camellias as much as I love Roses but unlike with Roses I don't have to struggle month after month to get them to succeed.

Are you enchanted by the beauty of camellias as well?

25 comentarios:

  1. hello dear MDN,
    I love Camelia's too!! You are having a wonderful collection of Camelia's.
    Have a wonderful weekend ahead.
    Rosehugs Marijke

    1. Marijke, Camellias are gorgeous plants, I have many of them but I won't see many flowers on them this year for there were many hailstorms in summer and ruined most of their buds ... we are hopeless against climate! sigh!

  2. Hola MDN! Preciosas fotos y preciosas Camelias, son flores maravillosas que me encantan, aunque mi jardín no reúne las condiciones adecuadas para ellas siempre me han enamorado.
    Cordiales saludos

    1. Hola! gracias por visitar mi blog nuevamente. Las camelias son plantas verdaderamente hermosas, es una pena que no puedas tenerlas en tu jardín ¿es el suelo el problema? la mayoría de las veces que las camelias no prosperan en un sitio el suelo alcalino es la causa. Saludos!

    2. Manolo, these camellias are extremely beautiful, super flowers.
      I see you have a rest now in winter. Do your roses do the same? :-)

    3. No MDN, mi problema es que mi jardín desde que sale el sol hasta la puesta está dando, y los únicos pocos sitios de sombra los tengo cerca de la valla de cipreses que rodean la parcela y estos sus raíces no dejan prosperar ninguna planta que coloques cerca de ellos. Algún día compraré algún ejemplar pero para tener en maceta.
      Cordiales saludos

    4. Hola, las camelias sasanquas toleran mejor el sol y la sequedad que las japonicas, de todos modos siempre pueden cultivarse muy bien en macetas, no te prives de tener estas bellezas! buen fin de semana!

  3. I do love Camellias but, with our increasingly dry winters and more scorching summers, I won't be planting more anytime soon. Most of mine here came with the garden, although I planted 'Taylor's Perfection' within months of moving in. Yours are lovely!

    1. Kris, Camellias grow very well in pots maybe you should try to keep one in the lath house, my camellias don't mind heat so long are well watered and away from harsh sun. Have a great weekend!

  4. I love these flowers, they are so beautiful. I love the different hues of pink. Thanks for the share, I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Keep up the posts, love this.
    World of Animals

  5. Hello,

    Your camellias looks wonderful! I love camellias too.

    1. Marit, thanks for visiting! Camellias are truly wonderful plants and very easy to grow here. Have a lovely weekend!

  6. I love camellias! I don’t have any in my garden as it’s too hot in summer and the soil seems to wrong. They can be grown in this area, but they are best on the east side of the garden. I have the neighbour’s fence there so I just have to admire camellias from afar.

    1. Jane, Camellias grow very well in containers because they don't have big root systems and you can give them exactly the soil they want.

  7. Yes, I am! But they wouldn't grow in my area as you know. When I want to admire them I have to visit your blog or go to Japan. :)

    1. Sigrid, It's true that Camellias don't like very cold winters but they grow very well in greenhouses and conservatories ¿do you know Tage Andersen? that swedish gardener is famed for having a fabulous collection of Camellias grown indoors in Sweden. Perhaps you should try too!

    2. Sounds nice but then I would need an addition to my garden.
      By the way, when surfing the net to find more information about Vanity rose I landed on Mashas rose blog. Unfortunately the lady doesn't blog anymore. But it is still possible to become impressed by her pictures.
      Check that out, MDN: http://rosomanes.blogspot.com

  8. Las camelias las tienes preciosas, me encantan. Besitos.

  9. Respuestas
    1. Thanks Sara, Camellias are along with roses my favourite plant but this year I won't see many blooms on them since the many hailstorms we had in summer damaged their fragile blooms. Have a wonderful sunday!

    2. What a pity… but the remaining ones are wonderful.
      Happy weekend!

  10. I love camellias and it's a treat to see them at this time of year. How special it is to be able to experience your late winter while we're experiencing the heat of summer.

  11. Nossa que lindo, adoro essa planta mas não tenho
    no meu jardim. Estou reduzindo drasticamente as flores e plantas
    no jardim.
    Bom final de semana.
