miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2018

Summer is around the corner..

It's november and the days are getting very hot (and very rainy!) Summer is my least favorite season of the year: the insane heat, the blazing sun, the suffocating humidity and the bugs make gardening a torment during the summer months. Gardening in early spring and autumn is much more my thing! Most plants (with exception of a few that like to bloom at this time like the Water Lilies and the hibiscus) slow down. Roses are particularly impacted by heat and even if deadheaded, they rebloom more slowly and the flowers are apt to be disappointing—small and pale with crispy leaves.

"Empress Farah Diba" one of my favorite roses

Isn't she lovely?

"Red intuition" I love this unusually beautiful rose

"Lady X"

"Grand Gala"

Unidentified yellow rose

"Pat Austin"


"Graham Thomas"

In the pond water lilies continue blooming, this one is "Barbara Dobbins"

"Blushing bride" absolutely gorgeous!

"Lindsey Woods"

"Sasaki Pink"

"Pink Pom Pom" one of my favourite lilies.

Many Amaryllis blooming lately

Hibiscus resented an unusually cold winter, they are starting to bloom again.

What's blooming in your garden now?

21 comentarios:

  1. Your roses look great despite your rising temperatures but I can appreciate your unhappiness with summer's advance. Our temperatures finally cooled this month but unfortunately the high winds that plague us every fall sparked wildfires (again). The nearest fires are 50 miles away but our air quality has been poor, which should halt my gardening activity but has not. I still have a lot in bloom. My Bloom Day report will be posted tomorrow. Best wishes.

    1. Kris, it's getting very hot here and the worst is yet to come.. January is the worst month, it makes me wish to be in Alaska! I'm very sorry about the wildfires in California, I hope they stop soon. I'll visit your blog to see what's blooming in your wonderful garden.

  2. Hello, Manolo!
    I see your garden is in bloom, it's summer in your place. And despite on hot weather your roses are lovely, especially I love your "Lady X", it's unusual color!

    1. Nadezda, most roses have just finished their first flush and begin to prepare their second one which unfortunately will be checked by the extremely hot days of december/january, I'll have to wait till late march/april to see my roses reviving. Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Preciosas la colección de flores que nos muestras MDN así como muy bellas fotografías. Las rosas son una preciosidad. ¡¡Bonito jardín tienes!!

    1. Gracias, adoro las rosas pero ya está haciendo muchísimo calor y para colmo con mucha lluvia, una pésima combinación para las rosas ahora solo queda mantenerlas vivas hasta que los días frescos de otoño las revivan nuevamente. Saludos!

  4. 'Farah Diba' is indeed very beautiful. No wonder it is a favorite. 'Red Intuition' is an excellent rose here also. Summer is my least favorite also. Enjoy the flowers you have in a humid summer. The water lilies are wonderful--do they keep you happy in the summer?

  5. HB, I love water lilies they are the only joy in the harsh summer months, they love extreme heat and grow and bloom more when heat is at its worst, I am always surprised at this since most cultivars I have were bred in Europe. Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. A beautiful collection of blooms: I can see why ‘Empress Farah Diba’ is a favourite. I’m slightly envious about your rain. Although we have some forecast for tomorrow, we’re never sure it will actually happen. Our summer is usually hot and very dry and a lot of watering has to be done. Already the ground is dry and the hot weather hasn’t arrived yet! But winter is my least favourite season. I don’t like to be cold!

  7. We have gratefully had a little rain this morning.

    Your Amaryllis with the delicate cherry stripes is a delight!

    1. Diana, I love Amaryllis they are gorgeous and grow very well in my climate, I have so many that I don't know where to plant them. I hope you're having a nice rainy week!

  8. Jane, ‘Empress Farah Diba’ is a gorgeous rose I strongly reccommend it to all rose lovers. We are already experiencing days with temperatures over 30 but temperated by rainy days, unfortunately the combination of heat and rain is terrible for roses. Happy gardening!

  9. Que lindas flores. Maravilha. Feliz semana. Cumprimentos.

  10. Que maravilha de coleção!
    Essas gotas na imagem ficaram ainda mais lindas.
    Adorei essas na água.
    Com certeza também tens belas plantas e flores.
    No brasil há muito pouco blogs de plantas e flores apesar da grande
    natureza que possuímos por aqui.
    Gosto de visitar teu blog.
    Boa entrada de mês de dezembro.
    E obrigada pela sua presença na casa.

    1. Muchas gracias Janice! Desgraciadamente tampoco hay muchos blogs de Jardineria y plantas en Argentina. Te deseo una Buena semana!

  11. Las rosas las veo preciosas, este año no puedes quejarte están muy lindas. Besitos.

    1. Teresa, las rosas han crecido mucho esta primavera a pesar de las lluvias, han tenido un invierno inusualmente frio y eso las ayuda mucho, con un buen descanso invernal (algo que no siempre tienen) las rosas florecen mucho. Buena semana!

  12. Hello MDN,
    Your roses are of an extreme beauty. I love to see your waterlily flowers they are so gorgeous. Also amazing to see is that the Amarylis is growing outside in your garden. Overhere we have them around christmas in pots on the windowsill inside the house. I hope you will have a bit of a "normal"summer I mean not to high temperatures.
    Have a wonderful day and enjoy what your garden is bringing you.
    Rosehugs Marijke

    1. Marijke, Amarylis are very common plants in gardens here I have lots of them. Thanks for your kind wishes I really hope for a mild summer, for my and my roses good! Have a lovely day full of Roses!
